Star award for health worker

Steph Ebbs and Anita Hobson, productive ward facilitator, who nominated StephSteph Ebbs and Anita Hobson, productive ward facilitator, who nominated Steph
Steph Ebbs and Anita Hobson, productive ward facilitator, who nominated Steph
A Bassetlaw Hospital healthcare worker from Worksop has been named Star of the Month for her work with dementia patients.

Steph Ebbs was nominated for the extra-special efforts she has made to get to know the personal touches that will help each patient feel more at home and less disorientated while on the ward.

She also shone out for the respect and extra touches of kindness she showed them, like remembering that one seriously-poorly patient liked a very unusual type of coffee and making sure he could have it.

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Deirdre Fowler, acting director for nursing and quality at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals, said: “The ward that Steph works on cares for very unwell patients who have been admitted to hospital for emergency medical or surgical care.”

“The judging panel was struck by the extraordinary kindness Steph showed in getting to know them as people and remembering their likes and dislikes.”

Steph said: “It’s nice to see that all the work carried out by HealthCare Support workers is being acknowledged. I would like to accept the award as a team effort for CCU/Ward C2.”