Warning over tarmac scam as multiple Nottinghamshire businesses targeted

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Nottinghamshire Police are encouraging businesses to be wary of a scam in which “leftover” tarmac is offered to them for free.

A number of Nottinghamshire businesses, including farmers, have been approached by scammers who say they work for a construction company and are conducting road works in the local area.

The scammers have then offered the businesses leftover tarmac for driveways and potholes, claiming it is free.

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Some business owners accepted the offer but were left shocked when they later received a phone call billing them for the work. When they refused to pay, they were threatened with violence.

Police are encouraging businesses to be wary of a scam in which “leftover” tarmac is offered to them for free.Police are encouraging businesses to be wary of a scam in which “leftover” tarmac is offered to them for free.
Police are encouraging businesses to be wary of a scam in which “leftover” tarmac is offered to them for free.

PC Kelly Carlile, of Nottinghamshire Police, said the majority of the reports had been from the Rushcliffe area but urged all businesses to be vigilant.

She said: “We’ve had a number of reports in recent weeks. In one case, the business owner felt so threatened they paid £9,500 before reporting the matter to the police.

“Elsewhere, the owner of a car dealership also said he’d accepted the offer of free tarmac and was later billed £10,000. When he refused to pay, a male caller threatened to burn his business down.

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“In another reported incident, a family-run farm accepted the offer of free tarmac and were later billed £500. When they refused to pay, the caller threatened to fight them – prompting the family to contact the police and install CCTV at their home.”

PC Carlile said all the incidents were being investigated and urged anyone with information about those behind the scam to come forward.

She said: “These reports are concerning and we are doing everything we can to identify those involved in the scam.

“In the meantime, we are encouraging businesses to stay vigilant and ensure they exercise caution when dealing with unsolicited offers such as free tarmac.

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“Whilst we haven’t received any reports from residents, they too should be vigilant as similar scams to this have occurred elsewhere in the UK in residential areas.”

Businesses can report suspicious calls to Nottinghamshire Police by one of the methods on their contact us page.

Alternatively contact Trading Standards by calling 0300 500 8080.