Babworth Crematorium unveils Covid-19 garden of remembrance memorial design

Artist's impression of memorial for Babworth Crematorium's garden of remembrance honouring Covid-19 victims.Artist's impression of memorial for Babworth Crematorium's garden of remembrance honouring Covid-19 victims.
Artist's impression of memorial for Babworth Crematorium's garden of remembrance honouring Covid-19 victims.
An artist’s impression of a memorial garden at Babworth Crematorium to honour those who have died during the Covid-19 pandemic has been unveiled.

Westerleigh Group, which owns and operates the crematorium, announced its intention last month to create a garden of remembrance at each of its 34 sites across the country.

Amanda Carr, site manager, said: “The new garden will be a tranquil place for people to visit and remember loved ones who died during the pandemic, and to pay tribute to those who sacrificed so much to help others who were sick, isolated or vulnerable.

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“The centrepiece of each garden will be a stone monument surrounded by a floral arrangement representing a rainbow, which has become a symbol of hope during the pandemic.

“Many people have put pictures of rainbows in their windows during the lockdown, to cheer up passers-by and to offer a bright message of hope.

“Our rainbows will be created using the vibrant colours of begonias, petunias and geraniums.”

The stone at the centre of the memorial garden will be made from all-polished black granite and is a typical traditional memorial for remembrance but with a Westerleigh change of design. The memorials will be individually carved by the company’s highly-skilled stonemasons.

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Work is expected to begin on the stone memorial in the autumn with garden landscaping taking place in early spring 2021.

Amanda and her team at Babworth Crematorium in Retford are now looking to identify the best location within the grounds for the garden, which is expected to open mid-to-late spring 2021.

She added: “We are proud that our crematorium enjoys close links with our local community, and we therefore thought it would be an appropriate gesture to create these permanent and lasting memorials.

“It will be a special place where people can remember and reflect on the loved ones they have lost, and give thanks to the wonderful way that the NHS, key workers and whole communities pulled together during this unprecedented crisis.

“As this project progresses, we will be reaching out to the local community to help shape and finalise our plans.”

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