Guest column: Cuts to fire service will end up costing lives

John Mann MPJohn Mann MP
John Mann MP
This week, I published my research into arts and sports funding in the former coalfield areas.

And on Tuesday night I held a debate in Parliament to draw attention to this very concerning issue.

Over the last 10 years, the Arts Council has awarded just £1 in funding to former mining communities for every £8 awarded to London.

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A lack of access to theatres, concerts and museums puts children in the former coalfields at a disadvantage.

The Government needs to act to make sure every child has the same opportunities, wherever they grow up.

In Bassetlaw, children deserve access to world-class arts and cultural facilities and this will only be achieved with proper arts funding distributed to former mining communities.

I will continue to press the Arts Council until Bassetlaw receives its fair share.

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Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue has determined that the crewing system in Worksop will not change, but crewing in Retford, will move to a part-time retained service at night.

Whilst I welcome the news that Worksop is protected, it is worrying that Retford will be forced to cope with a part-time service overnight.

Fires do not wait until social hours to spread and this will end up costing lives.

If there is a big fire late at night time in this area that needs extra appliances from Retford, I have no doubt that there will be delays.

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I will continue to fight for a properly staffed and resourced fire service across Bassetlaw.

Following on from the success of the reverse advent calendar for the Bassetlaw food bank, it is now doing Adlent.

Instead of giving something up for lent, Bassetlaw Foodbank is encouraging you to give one item a day to the food bank.

This will then total 40 items by Easter to something very worthy of support.

This week, the food bank needs tinned rice pudding, tinned custard, tinned corned beef, men’s toiletries and washing up liquid.

Please donate, if you can, to my office on Stanley Street in Worksop.