Group buys equipment for hospital

WLOS raises £3,000 for ECG machineWLOS raises £3,000 for ECG machine
WLOS raises £3,000 for ECG machine
A community group from Worksop raised over £3,000 to buy a specialist piece of equipment for a local hospital.

The Worksop Light Operatic Society (WLOS) raised over £3,000 from fundraising events including bag packing and selling raffle tickets to buy heart monitoring equipment for the Outpatient Department at Bassetlaw Hospital.

The Echocardiogram (ECG) machine makes it easier for hospital staff to diagnose heart conditions.

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It tests for abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart as it beats.

Andrea Colton, who is a health care assistant in the outpatient department and the director of WLOS, said: “This donation will allow staff to help improve the standard of care that patients receive. I want to thank all the members of WLOS for their support and to everyone who gave generously, enabling us to raise over £3,000 for such an important, and potentially life-saving, piece of equipment.”

Sally Richardson, fundraiser for Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals, said: “On behalf of the Trust, I want to thank Andrea and WLOS for their support. It is fantastic to see local groups supporting their hospital.”

The next performance by WLOS is the Rodgers and Hammerstein production of the King and I from May 17 to 21 at the Acorn Theatre in Worksop.