Worksop man lied to police about being slashed by girlfriend to get revenge

Read the latest stories from Nottingham Crown Court.Read the latest stories from Nottingham Crown Court.
Read the latest stories from Nottingham Crown Court.
A Worksop man who claimed his ex-girlfriend slashed him with a knife after she ended their relationship and subjected her to a barrage of threats has been locked up, a court has heard.

Duane Dyer bombarded the woman with 173 texts and 40 calls between March 28 and 31, in which he threatened to fire-bomb her mother's house and made obscene comments about her very ill friend and a dead relative, said prosecutor Stuart Pattinson.

He alleged she woke him up with a knife to his throat and slashed his stomach, showing officers self-inflicted injuries to corroborate his false account.

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"He used his knowledge of the criminal justice system in a bid to send her to prison," said Mr Pattinson.

Nottingham Crown Court heard how Dyer threatened to damage her mum's front door and made good the threat the very next day, when he shouted abuse at his ex's sister.

His ex-partner was arrested and interviewed for eight hours, but she was able to show officers the texts in which he threatened her.

In a statement his victim said: "I genuinely believe he enjoys scaring me. I'm not the only one who fears Duane. If he doesn't get his way he kicks off.

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"I fear him so much and feel trapped. I have known him for a long time and I regret every minute of it. He thinks I am his possession. On one occasion after he assaulted me he made me wet myself with fear."

She described how it has affected her whole family, leaving them afraid and scared to go out.

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The court heard his ex-partner had known him for most of her life, but his drinking and mental health issues made him verbally and physically abusive.

Mr Pattinson said Dyer has 49 convictions for 122 offences over the last 25 years, which includes 17 offences of violence. He was on a suspended sentence at the time.

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Matthew Smith, mitigating, said the messages were sent over a relatively short period of time and reflected his personality disorder and the influence of alcohol.

Dyer has been drinking heavily since the age of 15 and was drunk and alcohol-dependent when he contacted her.

"It is quite clear they had known each other for a very long time and there was affection,” said Mr Smith.

"He recognises now there are real issues he needs to deal with.

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"He wants to make it clear he would not have carried out those threats. The reality is he has kept away from that family."

Dyer, aged 40, of South Avenue, Worksop, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and harassment.

On Wednesday, Judge Steven Coupland told him he set out to gain revenge after their relationship ended .

“She had reason to be afraid of you,” he said. “She is still looking over her shoulder even though you are in custody.”

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He sentenced Dyer to two years and seven months and imposed a ten-year restraining order which bans him from contacting his ex-partner, her sister and mother, and from going on to the road where they live.