Report from the courts: Who's been in court in Worksop?

Mansfield Magistrates' CourtMansfield Magistrates' Court
Mansfield Magistrates' Court
Here are the latest reports from Mansfield Magistrates' Court.

Martin Heath, 38, of no fixed address, entered Bridge Place which he was prohibited from doing so by a criminal behaviour order. He also entered the boundary of Victoria Retail Park, Worksop, while prohibited from doing so by an order. He has been committed to prison for 12 weeks because the “offence was so serious because re-offending”. He will also pay a surcharge of £115.

Adrian Rowley, 37, of Clarence Road, Worksop, failed to meet the requirements of a community order. He has been fined £50.

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David Zubicki, 28, of Netherton Road, Worksop, failed to comply with supervision requirements imposed following a release from prison. He has been committed to prison for 14 days.

Mansfield Magistrates' CourtMansfield Magistrates' Court
Mansfield Magistrates' Court

Ashley Miller, 38, of no fixed address, stole gammon to the value of £45 from Oatfern Butchers, Worksop. He did this while subject to a conditional discharge order for five counts of theft. He has been sentenced to 14 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months. He has also been given a drug rehabilitation requirement and rehabilitation activity requirement. He will pay a £115 surcharge.

Daniel White, 36, of no fixed address, stole razor blades to the value of £263 from Superdrug in Worksop. He also stole a jar of coffee to the value of £19.47 from ASDA in Worksop. He committed the offences while subject to a conditional discharge for criminal damage. He has been sentenced to eight weeks in prison. He will pay £263 in compensation.

Elizabeth Hughes, 27, of Riddell Avenue, Langold, drove a vehicle with 68mcg of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, over the legal limit of 35 mcg. She was fined £207, pay costs of £85 and a £30 surcharge. She has been disqualified from driving for 18 months.

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Ryck Cowood, 27, of no fixed address, had on his possession in Crown House, Worksop, a pack of razor blades and failed to surrender to court. He was committed to prison for three months and pay a £115 surcharge.

Desmond Harris, 37, of Cuthbert Street, Worksop, failed to comply with supervision requirements imposed following a release from prison. He has been fined £40 and pay costs of £60.