Game over for Worksop Lego thief

B&M on Bridge PlaceB&M on Bridge Place
B&M on Bridge Place
A Worksop man who stole Lego said it was "game over" for him when he became addicted to hard drugs in his teens, a court heard.

Carl Richardson took £40 of the toy bricks from B&M Bargains, on July 25.

In police interview, he said he went into the store with "no intention to steal but saw it would be easy to steal and so he took them," said prosecutor Robert Carr.

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Donna Pursglove, mitigating, said Richardson had a "signficant drug addiction".

"He started gambling when he was 13 or 14 years old in his school lunch hour," she said.

"He didn't finish school and very quickly descended into drug use.

"He says - "I then started using heroin and it was game over for me.""

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She said he received a prison sentence for burglary in 2018, and would be on post-sentence supervision until June 2020.

Ms Purglove said he had been due to attend a job interview at Sports Direct that afternoon, but it had coincided with his court appearance.

Richardson, 40, of Ely Close, admitted the theft when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Thursday.

He received a 12 month community order, with five rehabilitation days, and was ordered tp pay a £90 government surcharge.

You can read more of the latest cases from Mansfield here.