Bassetlaw woman on ‘self-destruct mode’ as she stole to feed drug habit

Mansfield Magistrates Court.Mansfield Magistrates Court.
Mansfield Magistrates Court.
A Bassetlaw woman went on ‘self-destruct mode’ when she stole from two stores in Retford to feed her drug habit, a court heard.

Claire Seaman told Mansfield Magistrates’ Court her relapse into drug abuse was triggered by the deaths of her mother-in-law and father-in-law within a short period of time.

The court heard she stole £30 of meat from Lidl, on February 1, and £42 of candles from Boots, on May 27, and was last in trouble in 2019.

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Daniel Pietyrka, prosecuting, said, that when Seaman was interviewed by police: “In her own words, she said she had been on self-destruct mode after getting back on drugs and the items were taken to fund her habit.”

Seaman, of Brecks Road, Retford, admitted two counts of theft.

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The 39-year-old, who represented herself, said she was caught with the meat after police chased her, but conceded it could not have been re-sold.

She said: “I had a habit. I have been clean for two-and-a-half months. “I lost my mother and father-in-law. I basically went back on drugs to deal with it."

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She had voluntarily engaged with Change Grow Live, a substance misuse agency, she said.

Sentencing, magistrates told her: "We're pleased you're engaging with CGL. You don't want to relapse into your old ways. We recognise what you have told us and the efforts you have made.”

Seaman was given a 12-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £30 compensation, a £42 surcharge and £85 costs.