Red Cross Called in to respond to Worksop's flooding crisis

Flooding in WorksopFlooding in Worksop
Flooding in Worksop
The Red Cross has now moved into Worksop to help residents during this time of unprecedented flooding.

In Worksop two Red Cross volunteers are working in a reception centre where people have been evacuated. A further three volunteers are set to join them.

In Sheffield, the Red Cross is on standby to respond after a number people were advised to stay at reception centre in Meadow Hall shopping centre.

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In Doncaster, which has seen over 2,000 people evacuated, the Red Cross is working in two reception centres.

British Red Cross emergency response crews are on standby to support as the situation develops.

Over 100 flood warnings are in place across England, including five severe ‘danger to life’ alerts, after parts of the country were inundated with a month's rainfall in just 24 hours.

Teams of Red Cross volunteers have been responding through the night in some of the worst affected areas of the flooding.

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Head of crisis response for the British Red Cross, Simon Lewis, said:

"The scale of the flooding across North Nottinghamshire, Humberside and Yorkshire is quite shocking.”

"We've been working alongside Humberside Fire and Rescue to support people who've had to leave their homes, as well as delivering sandbags to the worst hit areas.

"Red Cross volunteers have been providing practical and emotional support at rest centres across the region. We’ll continue to offer our assistance to the emergency services in the coming days.”

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The Red Cross responds to an emergency in the UK approximately every four hours. The charity and its volunteers carry out first aid, run rest centres and provide safe spaces where they offer emotional and practical support.