Bassetlaw hospital urges people to take part in social media fundraising challenge

Sam DebbageSam Debbage
Sam Debbage
Teams across Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) have been getting involved with a recent social media craze and raising money for charity through exercise.

The new online challenge, called #run5donate5nominate5, has inspired staff to doff their clinical uniforms and don their trusty sports gear and limber up for a five kilometre run.

With around 100 participants, the health professionals now want to motivate as many as possible to get involved.

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The challenge strictly adheres to the government’s recommended daily exercise guidance and tasks individuals to complete a distance of 5k by running, cycling or jogging, followed by a £5 donation to DBTH charity and to then nominate five friends on social media to also take part.

There are no set guidelines regarding the type of exercise, so those who prefer a stroll, want to walk the perimeter of their gardens or use home gym equipment, are encouraged to do so.

Suzy Brain England, chair of the board, said: “While it is important to adhere to social distancing guidance and exercise in a responsible way during the lockdown period, we can still make good use of the warmer weather.

“This is a perfect opportunity to get active, donate and nominate, all in the name of raising vital funds for the Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospital charity.

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“So if you want to get involved, please run five, donate five and nominate five.”

Donate by visiting the trust’s website at or ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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