Flood victims from last November can claim now for funding grants

Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader.Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader.
Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader.
I’d like to start this week’s column with some good news for people who were affected by the severe floods that hit Worksop and other parts of Bassetlaw in November of last year, writes Coun Simon Greaves.

Thanks to the generosity of everyone who donated money to the Bassetlaw Flood Relief Appeal and the Nottinghamshire Flood Appeal, people who were directly affected by the floods and are experiencing hardship can now apply for a grant of up to £500 from the Nottinghamshire Flood Appeal.

Applications to the hardship fund are now open and information and application forms can be found here.

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The appeal is being administered by the Lincolnshire Community Foundation and has seen funds raised by the Bassetlaw Flood Relief Appeal, merged with the wider county appeal, in order to take advantage of Government funding which has doubled the total amount of money raised.

This approach has seen an initial total of around £17,000 raised in Bassetlaw, combined with around £22,500 from the Nottinghamshire appeal, boosted to an astonishing total of around £79,000. I’m sure that this fund will be extremely helpful to those who need it.

With this in mind I’d like to thank everyone who held events, dug deep and donated to this appeal, no matter how large or small the amount.

It makes me feel proud to be part of a community that when the going got tough, you were ready to do your bit and help your fellow residents who, through no fault of their own, had been thrown into this heart-breaking situation.

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This week, the council has launched a six-week consultation period on the Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan, which sets out its priorities for housing, regeneration and other development in the district up to the year 2037.

You may remember that a similar consultation period took place at the same time last year and we have taken on board all of the comments that we received and have used them to create this latest version of the local plan.

This is the next stage of our conversation with local people, businesses and communities about how we can achieve Government housing requirements in a way that is positive for Bassetlaw residents now and in the future.

Again, it is absolutely vital that Bassetlaw residents take a look at what is being proposed, ask questions and have their say as the local plan will have a major influence on the shape of this area for a generation.

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You can do this by attending any one of the 14 consultation events across the district. You can find all of the locations and dates of the events, as well as information and the Bassetlaw plan itself here.

Please take a look and be part of this conversation.