New chairman to lead triathlon club

The new chairman of Bassetlaw Triathlon Club, Garry Sylvester, says he is looking forward to his time in office.

Sylvester was elected at the annual general meeting when the existing chairman, Matt Horsfield, stepped down after two years.

He brings a wealth of commercial and business experience to the post and said: “I want to give something back to a club that has given me so much.

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“I look forward to working with the rest of the committee to help ensure the club remains positive and thriving.”

Horsfield said he felt the club had grown substantially. There was a strong team of volunteers in place, and the financial position was stable. He thanked secretary Yannie Duveen for her support.

Social secretaries Gaz Hughes and Gav Toulson have also stood down, to be replaced by Lynda Matthias and Matt Ilett.