Fracking campaigners fear Worksop area will be turned into an '˜industrial gasfield' if plans get go ahead

Artist's impression of shall fracking at another proposed application site at Tinker Lane. (Courtesy Frack Free Notts)Artist's impression of shall fracking at another proposed application site at Tinker Lane. (Courtesy Frack Free Notts)
Artist's impression of shall fracking at another proposed application site at Tinker Lane. (Courtesy Frack Free Notts)
Anti-fracking campaigners and residents are appealing directly to Nottinghamshire county councillors to defy planners and reject a proposal for shale gas drilling near Worksop.

Dart Energy’s application to explore for shale gas at Tinker Lane, between Barnby Moor and Blyth, will be discussed at a planning committee meeting on Tuesday, March 21.

Planning officers have recommended the plans are given the go-ahead.

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It is the second shale gas application in Nottinghamshire after the first at Misson Springs was approved in November 2016.

Frack Free Nottinghamshire and local campaign group, Tinker Lane Community Group, have specific concerns around:

- The HGV access route chosen by Dart Energy, carrying toxic waste, travelling directly past Blyth Primary School, subjecting our youngest members of society to heath risks;

- The local area being subjected to an excessive amount of air pollution from the site;

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- The proposed drilling site is exceptionally close to an aquifer, running the risk that local groundwater reserves could become contaminated.

While this application is for exploratory drilling, campaigners believe that a positive response to this application will open the door to full-scale fracking in Bassetlaw and an industrial gasfield.

Frack Free Nottinghamshire is planning a peaceful gathering outside County Hall on the decision day, Tuesday, March 21 from 9am.

Dart Energy says no fracking is included in their plans and county council planners have called for a number of conditions to be included if the green light is given.