Would-be shoplifter came to Retford for work and tried to steal from Lidl

A would-be shoplifter came to Retford looking for work – but was caught trying to steal £154 of goods from Lidl instead.

Marian Mustafa was seen putting items into a freezer bag inside his coat and stopped as he walked past the checkout and prevented from leaving, on August 17, Mansfield Magistrates’ Court heard.

Nicole Baugham, prosecuting, said freezer bags are used to stop alarms from going off, while Mustafa has no previous convictions.

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Mustafa, aged 45, of Bishop's Road, Peterborough, admitted attempted theft.

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His solicitor said he deserved maximum credit for his prompt guilty plea.

“He arrived in the UK a year ago and was working for a meat processing factory before returning to visit his family in Romania," he said.

“When he returned to the UK he was told they didn't have any work for him.

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“He hoped to sell the items on, to provide income for himself and to send money back to his family.

“He is currently sofa surfing with his cousin at the moment. He has no income but does have some savings.

“He tells me he is very sorry for his actions. He came to Retford looking for work and, unfortunately, he was unsuccessful.”

Mustafa was handed a 12-month conditional discharge which means he will not be punished now, but, if he re-offends in the next year, he can be punished for this offence as well as the new one.

He was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £26 government surcharge.