Rock City date for Simple Plan

Simple Plan have a live date at Nottingham's Rock City next month. Picture: Chapman BaehlerSimple Plan have a live date at Nottingham's Rock City next month. Picture: Chapman Baehler
Simple Plan have a live date at Nottingham's Rock City next month. Picture: Chapman Baehler
Simple Plan will release their fifth studio album, Taking One For The Team, on February 19.

And in support of that, the band will out on tour next month with a date at Nottingham’s Rock City on March 22.

Commenting on the album, the band said: “We have been working on these new songs for almost two years now and we cannot wait to share them with you.

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“We all feel like this is our best album yet and there’s nothing better than knowing that you will soon be able to hear the final result.”

Tickets for their Nottingham gig are available now at

Follow the band on Facebook or Twitter at @simpleplan