Titanic talk for the ladies

A TALK of Titanic proportions was enjoyed by members of Gainsborough and District Ladies Luncheon Club.

History Wardrobe, a company promoting history through fashion, gave a unique insight into the fateful maiden voyage of RMS Titanic, and some of its famous passengers.

Members were introduced to Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, a wealthy Scottish peer and businessman and his wife Lucy, a fashion designer who ran her own business Lucille Fashions.

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The couple were first class passengers on the Titanic. Sir Cosmo looked grand in his silk waistcoat and cravat, tail coat, pinstripe trousers and top hat. While Lucy dressed immaculately in a white day suit, black feathered hat and matching accessories.

Members heard a graphic and, at times, emotional description of how events unfolded as the ship sank.

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