West Lindsey: The Community Assets Fund invests in more community projects

NEWS: The Gainsborough StandardNEWS: The Gainsborough Standard
NEWS: The Gainsborough Standard
Community spirit is flourishing in West Lindsey with a further eight new investments committed by the Community Assets Fund.

The new investments will include village halls, social enterprises, community-owned enterprises and sports venues.

The community groups behind the projects will receive funding and business support to help them develop their ideas or expand their existing activities.

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The projects join other community enterprises and groups that are, or have been, supported by the Fund.

They include projects at Gainsborough and Saxilby.

Communities in these areas have come together to start or develop community sports venues, a youth music social enterprise, plans for a community-owned shop, a community food project and a range of community buildings serving their neighbourhoods.

Coun Anne Welburn, member of the Investment Advisory Panel for the Community Assets Fund, said: “This is real evidence that the Community Assets Fund is catalysing a ground swell of community activity in West Lindsey.”

“We are really excited by the vision, variety and ambition we see in the communities who are coming forward and seeking support.”

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The Community Assets Fund is a £1.2m fund from West Lindsey District Council.

It provides grant, loan and business support to support sustainable community and social enterprises based in West Lindsey.

In late December the Community Assets Fund put a call out for projects in West Lindsey under social enterprises, community-owned enterprises, community halls and community sports venues.

The call out had a fantastic response and further commitments will be made in the coming months.

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If you or your community has an idea or activity for a sustainable enterprise that could benefit your community, you can find out more about the Community Assets Fund and register an expression of interest here www.plunkett.co.uk/whatwedo/CommunityAssetsFund.cfm.