‘The spiritual loss feels horrendous’

THIEVES struck a church in Morton, near Gainsborough - leaving the local community feeling ‘personally and spiritually desecrated’.

Not only did the thieves make off with thousands of pounds of silverware, but it is estimated that they caused over £2,000 of damage in the process.

The community is said to be ‘devastated’ after learning that just two weeks before Christmas, St Paul’s Church has been broken into.

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Reverend Gill Barrow said: “They have stolen all of the silverware that we use for Holy Communion, which we use every Sunday.”

“It was of great personal value to us because a lot of it was donated in memory of people- and some of it goes back to 1862.”

She continued: “The sense of personal and spiritual desecration is horrendous.”

She said that the theft had sent shockwaves throughout the village, and called for anyone who witnessed anything suspicious or who knows anything to speak out so the silverware can be returned.

“The whole community is shocked and upset by this.”

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Rev Barrow added: “I would call for anyone who know anything about this to please come forward.”

“We want to recover the silver for personal reasons - the monetary value doesn’t concern us that much.”

The thieves gained entry by forcing the front door and internal doors and have stolen the safe and its contents.

A Lincs Police spokesman said: “Due to the weight of the safe it is assumed that the offenders have used a car to take the safe from the scene of the crime.”

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“The safe contained a large amount of silverware including plates and chalices which were of great sentimental and monetary value to the church.”

Crime Prevention Officer PC Nick Hanson added: “It is a real blow to a community when their local church is targeted and it’s particularly poor timing.”

“We are appealing for anyone who saw or heard anything suspicious in the area to get in touch.”

He added: “In this case we have very good descriptions of the items taken so we hope that with the help of the public we can recover them and return them to where they belong.”

Anyone with information or who witnessed anything suspicious is asked to contact Lincolnshire Police by calling 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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