READER LETTER: Pit Top bikers should pay for safe site themselves

Bikers protest at Manton Pit Top, riders on the circuitBikers protest at Manton Pit Top, riders on the circuit
Bikers protest at Manton Pit Top, riders on the circuit
The obvious solution to the problem of off-road bikers using Manton Wood country park is for the hundreds of bikers and their thousands of supporters to give about £50 each to Stephen Jackson. He can then go and buy or rent a piece of land and turn it into a safe site for the bikers and their supporters to go there and do as they like.

If they charge a small entry fee they will soon have their money back.

Sounds simple to me, if the people that use Manton Wood are really as passionate about their sport as they claim to be. Please send your contributions to Mr Jackson.

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A lot of people work at Manton Wood doing conservation work including volunteers with Nottinghamshire County Council Worksop College, local schools and the probation service. None of them like to see their efforts damaged by off-road bikers.

It is no longer an old pit tip but a thriving wildlife site with lots of animals and flowers.

A lot of public money has been spent restoring the site but now money and time has to be spent repairing the borders and removing the many stolen burnt out cars left up there.

Meanwhile, a young girl called Jessica Chisnall is fighting for her life in an induced coma at a hospital at St Helen’s after being hit by an off-road bike.

Anyone wishing to join us doing conservation work on Manton Tip Wood would be more than welcome.

Please contact NCC at Rufford Park for work day dates.

Mike King

And the Friends of

Manton Tip Wood