Protest planned over axed Worksop parliamentary candidate

A protest will take place today (Friday, November 8) after Bassetlaw's Labour parliamentary candidate was deselected.

According to outgoing MP John Mann, the protest will take place at 3.30pm at Labour's regional office in Nottingham.

Mr Mann tweeted: "Protest taking place Labour Party regional office Nottingham 3.30 today as the stitch up continues to cheat the people of Bassetlaw."

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Candidate Sally Gimson was deselected earlier this week over complaints about her previous behaviour, which she has denied.

A legal challenge has also been made to the move by the party's National Executive, which Mr Mann has described as "the mother of all stitch-ups".

Speaking about the move, Mrs Gimson has said: "The NEC had already worked to keep Bassetlaw applicants off the longlist and I got through the process with the belief that the favoured candidate would annihilate me.

“Their calculations were wrong and my strong campaign, speaking and meeting with local members meant that I won the selection on Sunday, October 29.”

The Labour Party has said that it doesn't comment on selection issues.