Rough sleeper numbers in Bassetlaw have fallen

Rough sleeper numbers have fallen in Bassetlaw in the last year. Photo: Victoria JonesRough sleeper numbers have fallen in Bassetlaw in the last year. Photo: Victoria Jones
Rough sleeper numbers have fallen in Bassetlaw in the last year. Photo: Victoria Jones
Fewer people are sleeping on the streets of Bassetlaw amid a fall in rough sleeping nationally, new data shows.

Data from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government reveals 13 people was estimated to be sleeping on the streets in Bassetlaw during a spot check on one night last autumn.

That's ​down from 16 recorded in 2018.

Nine of the rough sleepers recorded last autumn were male and four were female and of those who had their age recorded, all were 26 or over.

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The latest snapshot comes after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced £236 million in additional funding to provide ‘move on’ accommodation for up to 6,000 rough sleepers.

Coun Steve Scotthorne, cabinet member for housing at Bassetlaw Council, said: “Within Bassetlaw there has never been greater access to services or accommodation for rough sleepers and we are pleased that the latest figures reflect this.

“Over the last two years we have been working closely with support charity Change Grow Live and have a dedicated outreach worker based in Bassetlaw as part of Project Steppingstones.

“This programme has already helped to get around 75 people off the streets in Bassetlaw.

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“We will continue to work hard to reduce homelessness and rough sleeping and, in addition to our responsibilities through the Homeless Reduction Act and through our homeless and rough sleeping strategy, we will continue to work with our partners to try and help people in our district who are sleeping rough and find them the most appropriate accommodation.”