Guest column: Fire the starting gun for the regeneration of Worksop town centre

John Mann MPJohn Mann MP
John Mann MP
The news that Bassetlaw Council has been successful in its bid for £1.28million from the National Lottery for regenerating some of Worksop's traditional town centre buildings is welcomed.

The news that Bassetlaw Council has been successful in its bid for £1.28million from the National Lottery for regenerating some of Worksop’s traditional town centre buildings is welcomed.

These funds will go towards restoring buildings at the top of Bridge Street in Worksop.

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The grant from the National Lottery will be increased with money from the council and other local businesses and will help begin a facelift for Bridge Street and hopefully be the starting whistle for the interventions that are needed for the town centre.

Westwood care home has just been rated by the Quality Care Commission as requiring improvement following an unannounced inspection in August.

This care home was privatised by the Tories in 2012 and this new rating is deeply worrying.

Client concerns about feeling safe at night time has been identified as one of the areas that needs to be worked on.

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The elderly residents of Bassetlaw deserve the best quality care and Westwood residential home’s new rating is troubling.

Residents of any care home are entitled to feel safe in their homes.

It is a disgrace that some residents do not feel safe in their beds at night.

It is no coincidence that this rating has come after five years of privatisation from the Tories.

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I raised concerns about the future quality of care back in 2012 and, sadly, my predictions have come true.

Nottinghamshire County Council has opened its annual consultation on school admissions for the years 2019-20.

Getting your child into the school of your choice can be an anxious time for many parents and children.

You can help to shape the admissions process for the coming years by participating in the consultations.

Visit the website at


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Retford Fire and Rescue Service is at risk and, in my view, lives could be lost due to the changes that are being proposed.

I encourage everybody to participate in the consultation process.

It’s vital that your views are included.

You can type the following address into your phones or computer or you can contact me for a paper copy on 01909 506200.

Ask for as many copies as you need so that your family, friends, community groups or workplace can also have their views heard.