Five of the most common iOS 10 faults and how to fix them

The roll-out of Apple's latest all-singing, all-dancing operating system has not been without its problems.

While iOS 10 offers device owners a raft of neat new features it also offers its fair share of bugs, glitches and bizarre issues that cause headaches and tech fatigue.

Here are five of the most common complaints to surface since the iOS 10’s roll-out and how to fix them.

Battery drain

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The bane of every smartphone user’s life is a rapidly empty battery and iOS 10 seems to have made matters worse for some owners.

The number one way to make your battery last longer is to adjust your screen’s brightness. Leaving it cranked all the way up might look great but it will chew through the power rapidly so tone it down.

Also, try killing off any apps running unnecessarily in the background. The likes of health and GPS tracking apps can be running away, using resources and draining battery without you know it.

By going to Settings>General>Background App Refresh you can clear out what you need and don’t need to be running.

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Also, ensure you’re using wifi and mobile data correctly. Hunting for a wifi signal eats battery so when you’re out and about and using your data allowance turn off the wifi. There’s a quick toggle switch in the Control Centre to do this.

Wifi and Bluetooth problems