CCTV spy car to film parents parking illegally outside Worksop schools

New road safety car equipped with CCTV to be rolled out at Nottinghamshire Schools, pictured are members of Redlands School road safety team with Coun Kevin Greaves, Paula Argyle and Gareth Johnson of Notts County Council Enforcement Team and Roger HollandNew road safety car equipped with CCTV to be rolled out at Nottinghamshire Schools, pictured are members of Redlands School road safety team with Coun Kevin Greaves, Paula Argyle and Gareth Johnson of Notts County Council Enforcement Team and Roger Holland
New road safety car equipped with CCTV to be rolled out at Nottinghamshire Schools, pictured are members of Redlands School road safety team with Coun Kevin Greaves, Paula Argyle and Gareth Johnson of Notts County Council Enforcement Team and Roger Holland
A new CCTV car is to be deployed outside Worksop schools to stop parents parking illegally - with evidence captured used to issue fines.

The Ford Fiesta vehicle is equipped with Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras (ANPR) which will be used to record footage of anyone parking dangerously and determine whether or not a fine is issued.

Parents who park on “keep clear” signs outside schools after the February half-term could now face Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) of up to £70.

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The county council says the purpose of the car is not to raise revenue.

Roger Holland, Junior road safety officer at Redlands Primary School, Crown Street, said: “Fortunately so far we have not had any serious accidents but we have had some close shaves.

“The majority of parents are quite supportive but it is the minority who are causing issues.

“We have had parents who have left cars in the middle of the road.

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“I am hoping that it will have a better long term impact on parking.”

Councillors gave the go-ahead last July after a trial period.

No actual PCNs were enforced during the trial but the county council say the results indicate fines could have warranted being issued.

The plans are part of a new county council road safety programme which has also seen 20mph speed zones introduced.

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The county council say “inappropriate driving manoeuvres” have been used by parents eager to escape a fine from officers.

The plan is to roll out the programme across the county, which will include repeat visits.

A Nottinghamshire County Council spokesman said: “The primary purpose of using a car-based enforcement system is not to raise revenue but to address the problem of dangerous and inconsiderate parking near schools.”