Bolsover alcoholic crashed sister's moped in quest for more booze

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A Bolsover alcoholic borrowed his sister's moped to buy booze and rode it into the back of another car, a court heard.

Tony Baker told police he was “rattling” because he was an alcoholic when he hit the Ford Fusion, on Lincoln Road, Skegness, on July 10.

Prosecutor Sarah Sanderson said he approached police officers to tell them he was the rider, and he was not over the drink drive limit.

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She said he had 25 convictions from 53 offences, and he was last in court for shop theft in 2015.

Probation officer Sarah Todd said: “He saw an opportunity to use the bike. He wanted to buy alcohol.”

She said since moving back to his mother’s address he had cut back from the six litres of cider he had been drinking daily, to four cans of high-strength lager.

“He has successfully completed an alcohol treatment requirement and has been deemed suitable for another one,” she said.

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Baker, 29, of Elmton Road, Creswell, admitted aggravated vehicle taking and property damage, and driving without insurance or a licence, on November 11.

On Friday, Mansfield magistrates gave him a 12 month community order, with six months of alcohol treatment and ten activity days.

He was banned from driving for 12 months, and was ordered to pay an £85 government surcharge and £85 costs.