Album release is dream come true for home-grown rock musician

Gainsborough rock guitarist Frederick JohnGainsborough rock guitarist Frederick John
Gainsborough rock guitarist Frederick John
Gainsborough-based rock guitarist and songwriter Frederick John has this week released his debut album Truth Seeker.

The musician has spent the last year recording the guitar-driven offering, which has been released worldwide on Devil’s Deeds Records.

The album was recorded at a number of locations including Superfly Studios in Nottinghamshire and The Crypt in London.

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It follows the underground success of Idealist Touch, the third track from the album, which was released as a single in May last year.

“It’s been an amazing experience and something I’ve wanted to do my whole life,” said Frederick.

“It felt like an endurance test at times, because it took so long to complete, but it was definitely worth it in the end. I’m really proud of the finished product.”

Early feedback has been positive.

“Apparently my influences are clear. I’ve been listening to big-sounding rock for years so that’s not surprising,” said Frederick.

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“Anyone into Bon Jovi, Led Zeppelin, Guns n Roses, Aerosmith, AC/DC and so on, then this record could be for you – so why not have a listen.”

Frederick wrote the songs and played all of the instruments on the album, except the drums, with nine of the 10 tracks done by Joe Sleight of Gainsborough band They Say Fall, who also have a record out later this summer.

“The engineers we worked with in London were incredibly talented guys,” added Frederick.

“They’ve worked with artists such as Skunk Anansie, Coldplay, Feeder, Paolo Nutini and the Chemical Brothers, so it was great to have those kind of people on board.”

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“I owe a massive debt of gratitude to some amazing people, without whom this recording would have never been finished.”

“Thanks to Joe, my family and a number of brilliant friends, I have fulfilled a lifelong ambition.”

Truth Seeker is available worldwide via iTunes, 
Spotify and all other good digital stores/streaming sites.