Bassetlaw residents urged not to 'let guard down' as new strain of virus spreads

Staff at Bassetlaw Hospital in Worksop.Staff at Bassetlaw Hospital in Worksop.
Staff at Bassetlaw Hospital in Worksop.
Health bosses in Bassetlaw are appealing to people not to let their guard down and stick to Covid-19 safety measures.

The warning follows news that a variant of the virus is now known to be in many communities across the UK.

While the variant does not appear to increase the risk of serious illness or need any different treatment to the existing Covid-19, it is much more easily transmitted between people and so health bosses are asking local communities to continue to be vigilant in following the existing national guidance.

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Richard Parker, chief executive at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals, said: “Whilst the new variant of Covid-19 does not appear to make people any more ill, or increase mortality, the reason we are concerned is because it is more easily transmitted between people.

"That is why we are appealing to people to be extra vigilant in following the hands, face, space guidance so the virus is not passed between people and we don’t see a further rise in Covid-19 cases.

“We should stress there is currently no impact on our planned operations and appointments but we are asking those patients coming into our hospitals to ensure they are also extra vigilant before they attend and during their visit.

"Patients need to wear a mask, keep a two-metre distance from others and wash or gel their hands upon entry to the hospital and throughout their visit.

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‘’We know everyone is tired of the current situation and the restrictions in place, but we are urging people to please take this seriously and do the simple things already advised to limit transmission of the virus.

"Avoid unnecessary contact with other people and if you do have to be in contact keep at least two metres between you.

"If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 then please get a test immediately and self-isolate as advised.

"It really is important and ensures we are not overwhelmed with Covid cases in our hospitals.”